By Anne Chomyn – Air pollution smells bad and looks bad; it also makes us sick and shortens our lives. By Anne Chomyn The California Air Resources Board (CARB) defines air pollution as “any substance in the air that is harmful…
By Val Zavala – Tuberculosis has killed more people than any other disease in the history of humankind. (Let that sink in.) Its bacterium lodges in the lungs, creating pustules that cause bloody coughs, hacking, and lung pain…
Old Marengo Park Celebrates 15th BirthdayOn Saturday, April 24, a group of 18 Altadena Heritage volunteers spruced up Old Marengo Park. Happy Birthday, little park! Amazing that this swatch of land, a public right of way created when…
Older Residents, Smokers, Adults with Depression, Children with Asthma, Adults without Medical Insurance, Children without Medical Insurance
Altadena Nights – The Conversion of Altadena to LED Street LightsThird Thursday Online Event
Growing Subtropical and Unusual Fruit in AltadenaGrowing Subtropical and Unusual Fruit in Altadena…
Tree Workshops Led by tree expert and plant pathologist, Dr. Jerrold Turney.