Growing Subtropical and Unusual Fruit in Altadena

Growing Subtropical and Unusual Fruit in Altadena
Third Thursday – Online Event
January 21, 2021, 7 – 8 pm
Fruit Enthusiast, Steve Hofvendahl discuss his experience with odd and rare fruit. Want to know the difference between White, Black, Chico and Mamey Sapotes? (Hint: none are related to each other). From exotic mangoes to upstate New York pawpaws and from vining kiwis to multi leading guavas (all 3 kinds of guavas), etc — he shared the failures, surprise successes and valuable lessons learned in the 20 years of his Altadena fruit growing experiment.
Steve Hofvendahl is an actor, Master Gardener, and was the Nursery Manager and Fruit Tree Kahuna at TreePeople for eleven years (where with help from Lora Hall he administered the successful distribution of over 50,000 fruit trees to Los Angeles County Angelinos).