Past Events

Altadena Heritage holds several events each year to celebrate our community and to inform members and other Altadenans of policy and environmental issues that affect us. The invitations to these events constitute a record of this work.

Wildfire Smoke and Your Health

Wildfire Smoke and Your Health

Learn about wildfire smoke and respiratory health. Forestry officials are predicting another intense wildfire season.

Golden Poppy Awards 2021

Golden Poppy Awards 2021

Golden Poppy Awards. The Golden Poppies have been Altadena Heritage’s way of celebrating those gardens that “give to the community…

Odes to Altadena

Odes to Altadena

Odes to AltadenaAltadena Heritage asked a number of local authors and poets to tell us...

Online Tree Worksop Three

Online Tree Worksop Three

Dr. Jerrold Turney goes over the proper planting depth, staking, watering in, mulching, and more.