Map Your Neighborhood

Map Your Neighborhood

Map Your Neighborhood “People, not kits. If you really want to be ready for the next big earthquake, forget the earthquake kit and go talk toyour neighbors.”– Lucy Jones, June 12, 2021 Los Angeles Times. Altadenans have a long history of working together to help one...
Our Endless River of Waste

Our Endless River of Waste

Our Endless River of Waste by Mark Goldschmidt I would love to know when regular trash hauling service began in Altadena. Former Historical Society chair, Jane Brackman, told me that before the War it was the Altadena Historical and Beautification Society, and that...
Owen Brown Gravesite Committee — Progress despite lack of budget!

Owen Brown Gravesite Committee — Progress despite lack of budget!

Owen Brown Gravesite Committee — Progress Despite Lack of Budget! Original Gravesite 19th Century. Abolitionist John Brown failed to spark a slave rebellion in his 1859 raid of the US Armory at Harpers Ferry, but his attempt is often referred to as “the first battle...
Altadena Tree Committee

Altadena Tree Committee

Altadena Tree Committee The Tree Committee plus one at this year’s Tree Giveaway. From left Michele Zack, Kathy Musial, Lisa Wintner, Val Zavala, Anne Chomyn, and AH Member Michelle Huneven with Tatty Jane. Not pictured: Janet Castro, Mark Goldschmidt, Kathleen...
Old Marengo Park Cleanup

Old Marengo Park Cleanup

Old Marengo Park Cleanup Altadena Heritage staged another clean up day at Old Marengo Park on a recent Saturday morning. Altadena got the ball rolling with a design and a grant from Metropolitan Water on this little park on a piece of barren waste ground at Marengo...
In Memoriam – Linda World 1948 – 2021

In Memoriam – Linda World 1948 – 2021

AHA? Uh-huh! AH Designates a New Altadena Heritage Area Linda World passed away on June 1st. She was immediate past Chair of the Board of Altadena Heritage and many of you knew her. We announced her death in our July e-news, but as Linda was also a “print” journalist...
From Walter Cronkite to Fake News

From Walter Cronkite to Fake News

From Walter Cronkite to Fake News ​Val Enthralls at Monte Cedro Altadena Heritage Board Member Val Zavala, a journalist and 30-year KCET TV news anchor, spoke to MonteCedro residents in November about her career, and changes she’s witnessed in the way news is consumed...
Recycling Dos & Don’ts

Recycling Dos & Don’ts

Recycling Dos & Don’ts Please do Rinse and clean food debris from containers Empty all contents from bottles Remove lids from glass jars, then put lids in recycling Keep lids or caps on plastic bottles. Keep labels on beverage containers Broken glass ok to recycle...
Odes to Altadena

Odes to Altadena

Odes to Altadena Altadena Heritage asked a number of local authors and poets to tell us what Altadena means to them. The results are wonderfully varied and diverse views of our local community – from a refuge to return to after a tough day in LA, a place to...