Altadena Heritage is a nonprofit volunteer-based advocacy organization dedicated to protecting, preserving, and raising awareness of our foothill community’s rich architectural, environmental, and cultural heritage.
Upcoming Events
The History and Architecture of the McNally House, Altadena
June 3 – 11am
MonteCedro is an exceptional independent senior living community in Altadena.
Several of our valued members are residents.
Learn more about life well lived at MonteCedro (626) 788-4924
Recent Events & Features
Golden Poppy Awards
Was Held Sunday May 23
The second annual Virtual (and hopefully last virtual ever) Golden Poppy Awards.
The Golden Poppies have been Altadena Heritage’s way of celebrating those gardens that “give to the street” over the last 17 years!
We have selected four of the best front yards in Altadena to receive the prestigious Altadena Heritage Golden Poppy Award plaque. Come and see the winning gardens in full color and meet the lucky winners.
Check out Our Newsletter articles published on-line.
Our Spring/Summer Health Edition is availble both in PDF and published articles that are searchable and mobile friendly.
Altadena Heritage asked a number of local authors and poets to tell us what Altadena means to them. The results are wonderfully varied and diverse views of our local community – from a refuge to return to after a tough day in LA, a place to watch the seasons change, a place to seek peace and nature and a place of rich diversity and sense of place. Five of our current and recent Altadena Poet Laureates are represented as well as novelists and historians. Enjoy!
Test your mastery of all things Altadena!
Whether you are a life-long resident or new to the area, try your luck on our quiz.
Email for the answers.
Golden Poppy Awards 2021
The Golden Poppy Awards began in 2004. Board member Paula Walker initiated the idea, a set of beautiful heavy bronze plaques were made and judging districts and criteria were developed.
The Golden Poppy Awards recognize gardens that “give to the street” and beautify their neighborhoods, enhancing the community for everyone. Altadena Heritage presents these awards each spring at a garden party held at one of the many special places in this diverse and unusual community.
Roland Percey
1615 Loma Alta Drive
Saro, Maral, Clara and Hratch Khajikian
1825 Alta Crest Drive
Katie, Tito, Noemi, Lucas and Isela Villanueva
23 East Manor Street
Lisa Laumann
2319 Garfield Avenue
Spring/Summer Newsletter
Download our latest Music Issue Newsletter!
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