

The Altadena Crest Trail Working Group (ACTRWG) was conceived in 2003 to reconnect the three major gaps in the Altadena Crest Trail (ACT) —  a once-continuous highway for hikers and equestrians between Eaton Canyon and the Arroyo Seco. Although our trails see a lot of use, and the group has worked at the request of the County Board of Supervisors to complete the ACT, progress in reaching goals has been halting.

Altadena’s physical location shares much in common with that of La  Cañada Flintridge. That city’s  concerned citizens, through the creation of the La Cañada Flintridge Trails Council, have managed  to preserve and grow their trail system, as documented by John Newcombe in his film  The Trails of La Cañada Flintridge . Would Altadena benefit by morphing ACTRWG into an “Altadena Trails Council” to create a more powerful voice for Altadena trails?

Join Altadena Heritage, ACTRWG and John Newcombe at the Altadena Community Center at 7 pm on June 19 to explore this question and related issues in a discussion comparing and contrasting the experiences of the two communities, with clips fromThe Trails of La Cañada Flintridge.  Please RSVP to