Preservation 101

Thursday, October 20 from 7 to 9 pm
at the Altadena Community Center.
This AH “Third Thursday” presentation will feature a panel of experts with expertise in the recently adopted Los Angeles County Historic Preservation Ordinance and the Landmarking process. The program continues from where our very popular Mills Act Program event left off in March.
The designation of individual Historic Resources and Districts will be covered, along with a comparison of the County’s and the National Register of Historic Places’ (NRHP) processes and effects. (An existing designated historic resource is Altadena’s Keyes Bungalow, pictured here, built in 1911 and listed on the NHRP in 1978.)
We invite you to join us on October 20 from 7 to 9 pm at the Altadena Community Center, 730 East Altadena Drive, to hear various perspectives from the following invited speakers:
Tim Gregory, an Architectural Historian (“The Building Biographer”) and a founding Altadena Heritage board member who was involved in initiating the Altadena-wide historic architectural survey that became the foundation for AH’s historic architectural database; and
Dean Edwards, a Senior Regional Planner with the L.A. County Department of Regional Planning, who leads historic preservation efforts in unincorporated areas, including the implementation of the County’s first-ever Historic Preservation Ordinance and Mills Act Program; and
Marcello Vavala, Preservation Associate with the Los Angeles Conservancy, who provides technical assistance to neighborhood advocates, property owners, and local planning staff on best practices for preservation advocacy and policies. He also maintains and updates the Conservancy’s countywide Preservation Report Card.
There will be a Q and A session after the presentation, which is free and open to the public as part of Altadena Heritage’s “Third Thursday” series. Light refreshments will be served.
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