From Walter Cronkite to Fake News

Val Enthralls at Monte Cedro
Altadena Heritage Board Member Val Zavala, a journalist and 30-year KCET TV news anchor, spoke to MonteCedro residents in November about her career, and changes she’s witnessed in the way news is consumed over these years. Titled “From Walter Cronkite to Fake News,” her lively presentation was enthusiastically received. Val included humorous (but scary!) digital clips that clearly illustrated how easy it is to create a fake “news room” that distorts facts and spreads disinformation. She answered questions about how to spot, and not be fooled by, fake news circulating in the echo chamber of the Internet. Altadena Heritage has been a Community Partner of MonteCedro since it opened, providing programs for residents every year and sharing our newsletter. Several residents have joined, and many contributed to the re-do of Altadena Triangle Park.