A Brief History of Altadena Land Use
The busy thoroughfare we know as Lake Avenue began as a pencil line drawn on a map dividing Rancho San Pasqual’s 14,000 acres into a grid of square-mile sections. The future Altadena occupied the top third…
The busy thoroughfare we know as Lake Avenue began as a pencil line drawn on a map dividing Rancho San Pasqual’s 14,000 acres into a grid of square-mile sections. The future Altadena occupied the top third…
This issue of our magazine focuses on land use and housing. Land use is key to quality of life. It is also extremely complex. Zoning laws and regulations are often beyond the comprehension of the average resident. The prospective sale…
In 2003 California’s state legislature passed AB 1866 amending “sections of the Government code to encourage the creation of second units…” The intent of the bill reads: “The Legislature finds and declares that second units…
A Love Affair with Camellias By Val Zavala – Nuccio’s sits on 13 acres of slightly rising land on Chaney Trail, hugged by the chaparral above Loma Alta and Fair Oaks Avenues. With expansive views south, and the San Gabriels…
Fifteen years ago Altadena Heritage thought we should celebrate one of our community’s oldest businesses, Nuccio’s, world famous for its camellias. February should be good, plenty of blooms, and we’ll have to drink tea…
Just as a pencil line drawn on a map of California in the 1850’s influenced the future of where Lake Avenue would be built — another pencil line drawn from the 1930s-60s denied or limited financial services, such as home loans…
Two agencies must approve your plans; Regional Planning determines if your plans conform to zoning requirements – height, setback, etc. The Department of Building & Safety will make sure that your little unit conforms to…
By Claire Smith It’s true, the inevitable will arrive for us all! So consider your heirs. To be in grief and not have any direction on where to start to settle a deceased family member’s affairs can be crippling. Think of your legacy, what can…
It all began when a member directed our attention to a home on Altadena Drive. It had changed ownership and a chainsaw massacre of magnificent mature trees soon followed. These trees provided shade and beauty, but were not legally…