Altadena Nights – The Conversion of Altadena to LED Street Lights

Third Thursday Online Event
Thursday March 18 – 7pm
Cities and counties around the country began converting to energy-saving LED streetlights about a decade ago. This technology is rapidly evolving, its qualities and capabilities change every year. So, too, is understanding of LED effects on human and animal life and the environment. Our Third Thursday Event featured leading experts on this issue. Watch the video to learn more about what is driving a unique coalition of Altadena organizations to work together to press for the safest, healthiest, most aesthetically pleasing and cost effective solution for our town.
Dr. Travis Longcore of UCLA – world leader in the environmental and ecological effects of nightlighting, including the disruption of behavioral and physiological processes across species.
James Benya of Benya Burnett Consultancy – has worked on street lighting with Palmdale, Davis, Oceanside, Chicago, and more. He will explain how lighting can be designed to resolve many of the common complaints from homeowners and scientists alike.
Michele Zack- Altadena Heritage – will explain the politics of working with the County, and forming a coalition of groups who have embraced a “pause” in Altadena’s conversion to LEDs until all the issues of concern can be addressed.
Chaired by Rob Bruce, AH Board Member, Preservation Chair and recently retired city planner.