Owen Brown Photographs Click any image to enlarge and navigate between enlartements. Owen Brown Son of John Brown Owen Brown Owen Brown Harpers Ferry Jason and Owen Sitting Owen and Jason Cooking Outside Brown Boys el Prieto Cabin Jason & Owen Brown Cabin 1886 Owen Brown in Doorway 1887 Owen and Jason at Cabin Looking North Brown Boys on Mules at Upper CabinAltadena California Owen Brown Homestead with Visitors Jason 1893 Mt Lowe Cabin Looking South Jason and Owen Brown Bros Cabin Looking South Cabin from Little Round Top Owen Brown Homestead Setting the stone at Owen Brown’s grave, Pasadena, ca. 1899. Owen Brown Funeral Owen Brown Funeral January 10th, 1889 Original-grave-and-Cedar LAH January 30th 1898 Grave in 1907 January 12th 1936 Star News 1940 1978 Gravesite Sketch